Innovative technology, ultimate power
275 Kent Street is a highly specified asset with distinctive features
- A position on the central power grid.
- Fed by three different sub stations (8470; 8471 and 8472), reducing the risk of catastrophic power failure.
- Designed around core environmental sustainability initiatives, the building features state-of-the- art technology including advanced Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) principles to minimise environmental impacts and reduce energy costs.
- 5.5-star NABERS Energy rating.
- 6-star Green Star Rating.
- Interconnecting stairs throughout the building to ensure maximum tenant efficiency and interaction.
- Levels 24-32 are serviced by 6 air handling units located on Level 33.
- Four diesel generators located in the plant room area provides standby emergency backup of 9MVA. The backup generators are connected to 3 bulk diesel tanks, providing a total stand-by operating time of approximately 100 hours, reducing the risk of catastrophic power failure.