Explore the 5 pillars of wellness.

Join us in Urban Park from Monday, 13 May - Friday, 17 May at 11.30am - 2.30pm as we celebrate the 5 pillars of wellness across the week. There will be fun and enlightening activities each day, giveaways, specialists in their fields and some informative tips to take home with you.

13 May:
Mindful Monday: Sleep

Discover the secrets to a restful night's sleep in our serene Wellness Hub. Step inside and leave the stresses of the day behind as you sink into a world of relaxation with a cup of calming tea and unwind to the soothing melodies of gentle music. Let the delicate scent of lavender oil envelop you, easing your mind and preparing you for a night of deep rest.

14 May:
Together Tuesday: Emotions

Experience the power of emotional well-being with our heart warming initiative at the Wellness Hub. Join us in committing random acts of kindness by writing a heartfelt letter to a loved one. Take a moment to sit down, pick up a postcard, and pen down your thoughts. We'll supply the stamps and a postbox, making it easy for you to spread joy and positivity. Engage in an act of kindness that not only brightens someone else's day but also nourishes your own soul.

15 May:
Workout Wednesday: Physical

Get ready to elevate your energy levels with exhilarating activities brought to you by Combined Air! Join us for an exciting blend of fun and games designed to get your heart racing and your spirits soaring. Our DJ will set the stage with invigorating beats, while team-building games promise loads of laughter and camaraderie.
Discover the unique offerings of Combined Air and experience first hand how their classes can enrich your day at the office and support your lifelong fitness goals. Come and see what Combined Air is all about, and let's embark on a journey to a healthier, happier you!

16 May:
Social Thursday: Social connectivity

Come together in our Wellness Hub to engage in collaborative artistry and meaningful conversations with our art therapist. Join us in creating a beautiful piece of art while discovering the therapeutic benefits of drawing. Whether you're a seasoned artist or a beginner, this is a chance to bond with colleagues and experience the transformative power of artistic expression. Join us and be a part of something special as we connect through creativity and well-being.

17 May:
Diet Friday: Diet and Nutrition

Welcome to our DIY Guacamole Bar! Dive into a delicious experience where you not only get to enjoy the flavours of freshly made guacamole but also learn valuable nutrition tips and receive recipe cards to recreate the magic at home.